The 22nd Annual Society for Animation Studies Conference

Final Reminder: Animation Deviation

13 July 2010
 Bower Ashton Campus, University of the West of England, Bristol

The final programme and full information for this one day symposium at Bower Ashton Campus, Uni of the West of England, Bristol, is now up on the Animation Deviation website:

Participants include significant animation theorists, experimental filmmakers, and new media artists and researchers in the UK and internationally.

Keynote speakers are

Alan Cholodenko - University of Sydney
Editor of The Illusion of Life: Essays on Animation and The Illusion of Life 2: More Essays on Animation 

Nicky Hamlyn - University for the Creative Arts 
Film-maker and author of Film, Art, Phenomena.

Esther Leslie - Birkbeck College, London 
Author of Hollywood Flatlands, Animation, Critical Theory and the Avant Garde; Walter Benjamin: Overpowering Conformism; Synthetic Worlds: Nature, Art and the Chemical Industry and Walter Benjamin.

Other presenters include Birgitta Hosea, Paul Wells, Susan Sloan, and Rose Bond.
Registration fee is £10. Book and pay via the symposium website. Cash only will be accepted on the day if places are still available.

Vicky Smith and Patrick Crogan,
Film Studies Research Group,
University of the West of England