The 22nd Annual Society for Animation Studies Conference

Early schedule intormation

Hello everyone

Though the schedule and panel details will be confirmed later on, in the interest of helping people plan travel, I can tell you a little about the conference schedule.

Registration will start on Friday 9th at 8-9am with the conference starting just after.
Each day will run approx 9-6 (with some variations). The conference will end on Sunday 11th at 6pm.

Registration will also be available on Saturday morning (late arriving delegates can still register throughout but there wont be a dedicated table for the whole weekend).

There will be a surprise event early Friday evening and a conference party (catered) on Saturday night. Football fans dont worry, you will be able to watch the World Cup runners up game from the party venue on Saturday, and we will be finished with plenty of time before the final.

If anyone has any questions please mail me at

I'll be posting travel information soon.
