“The Three Ps in Coraline: Postfeminist, Psychoanalytic and Postmodernist approaches to the Animated Film”
Abstract: This paper contributes to the study of methodologies and theories in animation studies because it offers an extremely complex and alternative approach to animated narratives. This paper is focused exclusively on the theoretical underpinnings of the narrative structure, which makes of Coraline (2009) a very extraordinary movie. In addition, research encourages animators to emphasize the convergence of a strong theoretical narrative structure with modern animation techniques.
Biographical statement: As a woman currently working in animation, this study contributes to my future because it is strongly related to my current area of research. As I have analyzed in Coraline, the role of female figures as protagonists in the animation industry is dominated by a male presence in both the production of the film and in the characters on the screen. I believe Coraline is exceptional because it is one of the few movies emphasizing the female perspective in animation. I am developing a short animated narrative as my thesis project for getting my MFA at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. This movie combines hand-drawn film animation, HD video and 3D animation. My thesis includes additional research focused on the integration of old traditional media with digital media and its meaning on current animation. In addition, I work as a teaching assistant at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale for the undergraduate students in 3D animation. In the future I would like to combine teaching with working as a technical director in the animation industry.